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One post tagged with "documentation"

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· 2 min read

After a few months of good services it is time to retire our unofficial github technical support site. It has been a great platform for trying out new ways to document and provide support to the enterprise e-Box community, and it's success led to the creation of a new reference technical documentation site following the same principles:

  • Editable in Github: This was the great innovation for us, allowing us to push new and improved content in minutes
  • Accessible to all: Might be a surprise but this is something new for us :). Usually our documentation access is restricted.
  • Technically minded and straight to the point with heavy use of examples and code snippets

This new version of the site adds the following:

  • Double side bar navigation to easily navigate the content
  • Full merger of our legacy cookbook content into the new format
  • Hosted under an official domain
  • A Blog section for communications

To achieve this we used great tools like Docusaurus for the Documentation Site, Vercel for the hosting and Github for the version control.

This is pretty much a work in progress so don't hesitate to let us know is somethings can be improved!