Integrating with e-Box
A set of tools that helps with integration with site.
- Integration as Document Consumer
- Integration as Document Sender
- Integration as Document Provider
- Federation Web Service
- Notifications and the e-Box Enterprise Event Service
The diagram below shows the high-level technical view of the federated model of the e-Box Enterprise. The federated view indeed integrates several message sources (DocProviders), each accessible via a MessageRegistry (web service REST) respecting the same contract.
In addition, some institutions (DocSenders) can continue to publish their messages to a DocProvider who will make them available for the federated e-Box.
Finally, a company (DocConsumer) can directly retrieve the content of its e-Box via a technical integration with each MessageRegistry offering this type of access.
In order to be able to establish connection with ebox services, some technical requirements MUST be met, namely:
- TLS 1.2
- Activation of SNI extension
In order to test beforehand, you can use this url:
An application supporting TLS 1.2 and SNI that connects to this url will receive the following text "SNI is working".
In case of SNI compatibility problem, the calling application will receive a bad certificate.
In case of incompatibility with TLS 1.2, the calling application will not be able to establish a connection.