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Becoming a Document Sender

Publications happen through the POST /ebox/messages method of the e-Box RESTful API. This method uses a multipart HTTP POST to send one or several documents attached to an e-Box Message. The API fully supports end to end streaming.

The authentication has to be done via an OAuth2 token request. See the Document Sender onboarding process to configure your enterprise as a new OAuth client.

Avoid duplicate publications

When publishing messages, it's important to avoid duplicate publications. To do this, it's recommended to use Idempotency-Key in the HTTP request header for each publication.

Idempotency-Key is an Item Structured Header RFC8941. The header is case-insensitive. Its value MUST be a String. It is RECOMMENDED that UUID RFC4122 or a similar random identifier be used as an idempotency key.

Here is an example of the usage of Idempotency-Key: Idempotency-Key: "8e03978e-40d5-43e8-bc93-6894a57f9324"

A unique Idempotency-Key per sender application can be used to identify a unique publication. A second attempt would be considered as a duplicate, ending up in HTTP response code 409 Conflict.

Attention that the content and the business data of messages are not verified. Thus, even if the business data or content is different, as long as the sender, sender application, and Idempotency-Key are the same as another published message, the message would be considered as a duplicate. It's the Document Sender's responsibility to take into account this aspect.

Minimal publication example

The following is pretty much the simplest publication request that can be made. It contains the following HTTP parts:

1) messageToPublish: This part contains the meta information of the message. Example:

messageToPublish: {
"recipient": {
"eboxType": "enterprise",
"enterpriseNumber": "0123456789"
"sender": {
"eboxType": "enterprise",
"enterpriseNumber": "0123456789"
"subject": {
"fr": "Message example title"
"senderApplicationId": "",
"messageTypeId": "SpfFodSocialElections",
"attachments": [
"httpPartName": "upfile1",
"isMainContent": true,
"isAttachmentSigned": false
"isReplyAuthorized": false

2) upfile1: This part MUST contain the binary and basic meta information of the document. It is a standard HTTP binary file upload part which needs to specify the following information:

  • data stream: the raw data of the content
  • filename: the file name of the document
    • Note: The filename must be encoded if it contains characters outside of the ISO-8859-1 charset (so french accents etc).
    • The javascript "encodeURIComponent" method can be used. So for example "upfilétéstmichaël123 (1) (1).pdf" becomes "upfil%C3%A9t%C3%A9stmicha%C3%ABl123%20(1)%20(1).pdf"
  • Content-Type: the MIME type of the document
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="upfile1
"; filename="MyTestDocument.pdf"
Content-Type: application/pdf


Note: The upfile1 part and the extra meta information of the document are linked together through "httpPartName": "upfile1" in the messageToPublish part.


Provided that the request is correct, one can expect a 201 status code to be issued with our without an additional information code in the JSON response body.

NO_DIGITAL_USER response code

This code allows the Document Sender to know that the publication was to a recipient who never consulted his e-Box. This is the preferred method for a Sender to determine if the User uses his e-Box or not. An alternative to this is to use the e-Box Federation WS but this requires to integrate with another web service and does not fit the "e-Box First" philosophy we are trying to push.

For the attention of

If the publication is for the attention of a particular person, a ForTheAttentionOf object has to be added in the messageToPublish. Example:

        "forTheAttentionOf": {
"ssin": "84022711080",
"label": "John Doe"

The type is used to determine if the attention is for a person or a group of people. For the moment, only "person" is suported. The id property is the National Register Number.

Minimal publication example for a citizen

If the recipient is a citizen, the example below shows a minimal publication.

messageToPublish: {
"recipient": {
"eboxType": "citizen",
"ssin": "71022722580"
"sender": {
"eboxType": "enterprise",
"enterpriseNumber": "0123456789"
"subject": {
"fr": "Message de test"
"senderApplicationId": "employment:job-attest:werkkaart",
"messageTypeId": "WK1-ACTIVA",
"attachments": [
"httpPartName": "upfile1",
"isMainContent": true,
"isAttachmentSigned": false
"replyAuthorized": false

The difference is in the recipient object. The eboxType becomes citizen and the property ssin replaces enterpriseNumber. You cannot use a messageTypeId and a senderApplicationId that are configured only for enterprise-to-enterprise publications.

Please note that only PDF files work properly for e-Box web application used by citizens.

Getting an Oauth Token for publication

You have to request your AccessToken to the Authorization Server. The Cookbook OAuth V5 introduces OAuth and explains how a token can be retrieved. You can also see the get OAuth token example for a java example on how to retrieve an OAuth token. The GetAccessTokenV5.getAccessToken() method is the one responsible of getting the token. If you take this example, we advise you to add the scope scope:document:management:consult:ws-eboxrestentreprise:publicationsender as parameter in the getAccessToken() call so if the onboarding was not done properly, you will receive an error message and know that the scope is not granted before sending the publication requests.

OAuth Authorization Server URL (ACC)
Audience (ACC)
OAuth Authorization Server URL (PRD)
Audience (PRD)

Getting a token requires having cleared the OAuth part of the onboarding. If it is not done yet, see the Document Sender onboarding process.


Once you have got your token, you can call a method using one of these endpoints:

EnvironmentEndpoint e-Box enterprise

End to end Streaming Considerations

The order of HTTP parts is arbitrary, each part being linked to its associated meta-data by the httpPartName property of the publication payload. This allows for end to end streaming on the Document Sender side. See the Publication Profile Documentation for more information.

Examples with Postman

If you use Postman, you might be interested in a Postman publication examples collection. You might be interested in a Postman example to request a token to OAuth server too. Please read the instruction in the collection description after importing them.

Our implementation choices

There are some restrictions in our implementation of the service:

  • We do not support publication with several languages. Only one among fr, nl and de has to be selected in a publication request for the subject, body content and business data values.
  • We do not support the attachmentTitle property in the AttachmentToPublish object. The attachment title will be the file name of the uploaded file.
  • Only one main content is accepted. That is to say, either isBodyMainContent is true or one (and only one) of the mainContent in attachments is true.
  • /linkEboxMessage feature is not available with the publicationsender scope but broadcast feature still available by asking the procedure to
  • We do not support dynamic expiration date. That is to say, in the API about the messageToPublish object, the expirationDate property is ignored. The expiration date will be calculated from the current date plus the validity period defined for the message type. You can see the validityPeriod by doing a GET on <endpoint>/refData/messageTypes/<messageType-ID>
  • The business data put in a messageToPublish can only be those defined for the message type created during the Onboarding process.
  • We do not accept null values. If a property has to be null, like "isRegisteredMail": null, then simply do not put that property.
  • We do not support payment data.
  • We do not support structuredData.

There is also a maximum length on some strings in a publication request:

  • The subject length is 400 characters maximum.
  • The file name of uploaded files are 255 characters maximum.
  • The value given to business data are 256 characters maximum.
  • The name in a forTheAttentionOf object is 100 characters maximum.