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X.509 certificate

To secure the calls made by your application on the REST APIs, you must have an authentication certificate in your company's name. If your company already has a certificate, you can reuse it.

Several options are available to you:

  • You can generate and use a self-signed certificate in your company's name. Please comply with the following constraints when creating your self-signed certificate:
ConstraintAllowed values
Key pair generation algorithmRSA or EC
Key size (bits)For RSA: 2048, 3072, or 4096.
For EC: P-384 or P-521
Digest algorithm associated with certificate signatureSHA-256, SHA-384, or SHA-512
Certificate key usageDigital Signature
  • You can order this certificate from a recognized certification authority (e.g., GlobalSign, DigiCert, QuoVadis, Verisign, Certipost, etc.). Do not forget to have your onboarding form validated (by before ordering your certificates.