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Partition service

An e-Box enterprise contains at least one partition. Partitions are boxes that has their own identity and user access management. The partition administrator can create and manage their partitions according to their business needs.

The partitions can also be used as sender partition. A message sent with a sender partition specified will change the way the sender is displayed in the recipient's e-Box through the e-Box Enterprise portal. If the enterprise X publishes a message specifying that the sender partition is Y then the recipient will see in the e-Box Enterprise portal that the message comes from Y. Moreover, the replies on this message will be sent to partition Y.

This page concerns only e-Box Enterprise. There is no partition in an e-Box citizen.

The GENERAL partition

All enterprises have at least a partition with the identifier GENERAL. It's the partition containing all the messages that are published without specifying the recipient partition. It's the same thing for the sender partition. All the messages that were published before the partition feature had been released are in the GENERAL partition. Technically there is no message that is not in a partition.

Partition web service

The Partition web service implements the Partition API that can be retrieved in the specifications page. The Partition web service is useful for these cases:

  • For anybody to consult the existing partitions in any e-Box enterprise.
  • For a human user through the e-Box Enterprise portal to consult its rights on partitions.
  • For an e-Box enterprise Document Provider to get the user rights on partitions.

The publication right on partition is currently not relevant since the publication right is only based on the publicationsender scope. See the page for Document Senders.

Service endpoints



  • The scope scope:document:management:consult:ws-eboxrestentreprise:partitionuser allows to consult the list of existing partitions in an e-Box enterprise and it also allows the connected user to consult its right in the partitions. Any human user connected for an enterprise can get this scope. To grant this scope to an application, you can ask it to eBoxIntegration. Note: This scope allows also to consult messages in partitions that the user can consult.
  • The scope scope:document:management:consult:ws-eboxrestentreprise:documentprovider allows to consult the rights on partitions for any user in any e-Box. This scope is exclusively for Document Providers.